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Macy’s Internship 2016: Ten Ways to Learn While You Earn

Macy's Internship 2015: Corporate offices sign at Macys.comInterested in the retail business but not sure if it’s a good fit for you? Why not test drive a career in retail? Department stores like Macy’s offer a range of summer internship programs that allow students to explore the industry and learn more about various aspects of running a major retail business. As an intern you work on projects that provide valuable in-depth knowledge, hands-on experience and interaction with experienced professionals. Did we say it’s paid too? Yes, you’ll not only be learning, you’ll be also earning. So gear up for Macy's Internship 2016 available in the following areas:

Store Management

As a store management intern, you’ll get a firsthand introduction to the strategies and partnerships that are required to run a multi-million dollar retail department store like Macy’s. This internship program is offered nationwide.

Merchant Buying/Planning

Offered only in New York, this internship provides an overview of merchant functions, allowing you to experience and learn the dynamics of managing a business within a corporate retail setting.

Omni Planning

Offered only in New York, this internship provides an overview of financial planning, localization, and distribution strategies and learn first-hand what it takes to manage a multi-channel, multi-million dollar business within Macy’s Merchant Division.

Product Development

Here you’ll get an opportunity to learn the insights of the production cycle. From concept creation to production, you’ll learn all aspects of product development. This internship is exclusively based in New York City.


As a finance intern, you’ll get an opportunity to work with Macy’s top level executives. You’ll learn the process of setting and managing the company’s profit initiatives and financial strategies. This program is available in Cincinnati, New York, or OH.


Offered in New York, this internship provides you an understanding of the impact that marketing has on robust e-commence presence, department store business, and omnichannel strategies.

Human Resources

As a human resources team member, you will participate in company’s overall business initiatives and gain knowledge about the valuable functional skills. This program is available in Cincinnati, New York, or OH.


Technology internship will expose you to process of developing and advancing in-store systems and high traffic online marketplace.


Available only in New York, Macy’s Design internship is an opportunity to learn the entire design process in the scope of product development.

Credit Operations

This program will help you gain insights about customer service, omnichannel support service, credit operations, technical support, and associate development. The internship is offered in OH, Mason, Bridgeton, MO, FL, Bridgeton, Tempe, AZ.

How to apply for Macy's Internship 2016

Macy’s, Inc. conducts events and on-campus interviews at more than 55 colleges and universities throughout the United States. If they are not scheduled to visit your college campus, you can sign up for their virtual recruiting event. It is an online opportunity where you get to learn more about the company and tell them about your skills and achievements. Visit company’s job search page to search and apply for Macy's Internship 2016.