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10 Questions to Ask After a Job Interview

Last Updated on April 2, 2021

A young African-American male smiles in a job interview with potential employer.Getting a job interview is an important milestone on the path to getting a job. People with good interview skills relish the opportunity to go on an interview, because they know that they have a good chance in the next step of impressing a prospective employer and getting a job offer.

However, one of the most underrated considerations to make when it comes to job interview skills is thinking about what to do after the interview. The way that a prospective candidate behaves after an interview can have a significant impact on the outcome of their interview. Here are ten of the most critical questions to ask after a job interview if you want to make a good impression on a potential employer.

1. Is there anything else I can provide for you to make your decision easier?

Sometimes, the interviewer will need a basic form or type of paperwork that they simply forgot to ask you for. In other cases, the interviewer will have what they need already, but will appreciate a candidate who attempts to provide the interviewer everything they need to make a decision.

2. What is the next step?

This question shows that you are taking an active interest in the decision-making process at the company before you even officially get hired to work there. By asking about the next thing that hiring managers will do, you keep yourself involved in the process and make a good impression on the interviewer.

3. When can I expect to hear from you?

This is another of the questions to ask after a job interview since it also shows your interviewer that you are very interested in the job. Be sure to ask the question calmly in a tone that makes it seem like you aren’t overly interested, as some interviewers will be turned off by desperation.

4. What can I do to learn more about the company in the meantime?

If you are truly interested in a company that you have interviewed for, you will be eager to learn about them even if you don’t get the job. Showing the organization that you care about what they are doing and what they have done will help you get into their good graces.

5. Is there anyone else I can meet with?

Even if the interview is officially over, there might be one or two other people who you can make a casual acquaintance with. This helps you expand the base of people you know within the organization. Even someone that only knows your face and name might think more of you than a totally unfamiliar candidate, which can help you win points at the organization you are interviewing for.

6. Are there other opportunities at the company that I might be fit for?

This is one of the questions to ask after a job interview if you get the sense that you might be better suited for a different type of job. If you are still interested in staying on at the company, you will interview for. While this question might not be appropriate for companies with very rigid hiring procedures. It could help you show your interviewer that you are multi-talented and can think outside of the box.

7. How soon do you need me to start after your decision?

This is one of the questions to ask after a job interview for two reasons: 1. It displays confidence, since you are visualizing you already getting the offer and 2. It also serves to help your interviewer see that you want to be as prepared as possible for the job.

8. How many other candidates have you interviewed for the position?

While you may want to hold off on this question depending on the nature of the interview. If you have developed a good rapport with the interviewer, it is fair game to ask them who is your competition. The answer will help you to know where you stand.

9. What other qualities or traits are you looking for?

During the interview, it is very likely that the interviewer will go over some of the more common attributes that they need from the candidate. By asking to get more details about these skills, you can separate yourself from the pack. For example, if you’re looking for a job that translates the skills you’ve learned from a social work course at TAFE, you will want to point these out.

10. Do you need any more references?

Professional references are valuable, as long as they speak positively of you: checking to see if your interviewer needs more references shows that you are thorough and committed to helping them hire someone.

If you can smoothly incorporate these ten questions to ask after a job interview into your next interview, you have a much better chance of getting the position that you desire.

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