Last Updated on November 14, 2021

Opportunity is the greatest gift someone who is capable and merely needs a chance to prove their worth can receive. When someone receives an opportunity to break through oppressive dogma and pave the way for equality, justice and impartiality, that opportunity becomes a blessing. Studies and statistics depict a far from rosy picture for young men of color. Due to their socioeconomic conditions, young men of color are at great risk of insecurity and uncertainty during their journey from their youngest years to college and right up to their professional and personal lives, simply because of a lack of opportunity.
NCCU’s African-American Male Initiative Aligns with My Brother’s Keeper
My Brother’s Keeper is a new program designed to assist every boy and young man of color who wants to work hard to get ahead; North Carolina Central University (NCCU) is putting every aspect of this idea into action. NCCU has created opportunities to help African-American males reach their full potential and be instrumental in contributing to their community and building decent lives for themselves and their families.
The Centennial Scholars Program (CSP)
As part of its one-hundred-year anniversary, North Carolina Central University has set forth the mission of The Centennial Scholars Program. CSP, as it is popularly known, is a program that seeks to provide minority males with strong academic, social and personal awareness and understanding that will spur their growth and development in various spheres of life, including academics, personal life, spirituality and culture. Aligned with the promising mission of My Brother’s Keeper, the CSP program at North Carolina Central University provides an array of academic activities aimed at improving the retention and graduation rates of NCCU minority male students so that they can achieve greater heights in life.
Expecting the Impossible: Where Brotherhood Meets Scholarship

Selection Process
The selection process for the Centennial Scholars Program (CSP) starts with an interview. Candidates are selected the summer before their first year at NCCU based on performance. Accepted students then matriculate under a model framed by the university for keeping students’ best interests in mind. First- and second-year students accepted into the program live in the Centennial Scholars Program living and learning community.
Centennial Scholars Program: A Success at NCCU
The African-American Male Initiative at the NCCU campus has been a tremendous success, currently boasting 422 scholars and more than 60 alumni. NCCU has succeeded in providing a second chance for young men of color who have lagged behind in their lives due to lack of support or opportunity. NCCU has adopted an approach that enables these young men to walk the path of success. The effort NCCU is putting into promoting the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative will undoubtedly help African-American males reach their full potential, which will benefit not only them, but their communities as well.