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5 Great Apps for Musical Education

5 Great Apps for Musical EducationThe first step to realizing your dream and passion to become a great musician is through learning music itself. Although music courses are vital to learning your craft, you can also learn a whole lot more when you look beyond the four corners of the classroom and find learning opportunities in some of today’s popular phone apps. There are a lot of music education apps that can be installed on iPads and smart phones and can really help to complement the things you learn in your courses. If you want to learn music quickly, and get a head start on your classmates, having these applications will be a great help.

5 Great Apps for Musical Education

Aside from playing games and doing other leisure activities with your phone, you can enjoy and learn music when you have these 5 great apps for musical education:

1. Ear Trainer

Having a musician’s ear is one of the most essential skills you must learn with musical education. Without having this kind of ear, it will be difficult for you to succeed in your career as a musician. Ear trainer is an application designed to assist music students, musicians and all those who have passion for music in improving their musician’s ears. It is featured with various individual exercises for chords, intervals, pitches and scales. Ear trainer is available on iTunes “Apps for Learning Music”. Complementing your music course with this little app will ensure you develop a great ear for music, which can help in any career within the music industry.

2. Notes for Little Composers

While it may sound to be an application intended only for children, Notes for Little Composers is actually recommended for beginners in the music world too. Music lessons can turn out to be boring and difficult when too many notes are being introduced and if this is the first time you’ve taken a music course, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. With an application such as Notes for Little Composers, you can keep your excitement for music burning as you learn your music lessons in the most simplified manner. This application is presented by Little Composers.

3. Real Piano Classic

What makes phone applications amazing is that they can be as good as real musical instruments while being a lot more portable and easy to use. Since you cannot bring your piano wherever you go, an amazing application known as Real Piano Classic has been designed for music learners and lovers. With the Real Piano Classic application by Cookie Apps, Inc., you can now enjoy unlimited piano lessons anywhere, anytime. It’s surprising how quickly your newly learnt skills will transpose to a real keyboard too!

4. Improvox

Sounding in tune is not always easy especially among those who are not gifted with the talent of singing. However, you can always develop the skill through learning and application. Your vocal teacher may not be present to check on your tuning all the time but with a new application known as Improvox, you can now have a teacher for tune correction and harmonization wherever you go.

5. Tab Toolkit

The Tab Toolkit is a must-have application for those who play instruments such as guitars, bass and keyboards. Not only is the application great based on customer reviews but is also awarded as an Apple Design Winner.

Great musicians begin as novice dreamers. You don’t have to stop with lessons you learn from music schools. Take every moment to study music and make the best out of them to give yourself the best chance of becoming a successful musician.

About the author

Scott Rojko is passionate about helping people find their way into rewarding careers. Scott and the awesome staff at MWT Institute work tirelessly to ensure that students are able to gain qualifications and job-ready skills to give them the best possible opportunities.

Connect with Scott on Twitter @ScottRojko.