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HL 047: How Grambling Built a Trailblazer in Louisiana

Last Updated on January 14, 2023

Grambling State University Alumus Steven Jackson
A trailblazing public servant in Louisiana is the product of Grambling State University. Steven Jackson is the youngest person ever elected to the Caddo Parish Board of Commissioners and also the youngest to serve as president of the commission. He visited the HBCU Lifestyle Podcast to tell his story.  Steven shared how his experiences as Student Government Association president at Grambling  prepared him for public service. In a final keeping-it-real thought, Steven also shares his thoughts on how HBCUs can progress under the current U.S. presidential administration.

About Steven Jackson

A native of Shreveport, La., Steven is the sixth sibling of his mother Patricia Jackson’s seven children. He graduated from Woodlawn High School; and while attending Grambling, Steven forged an indelible stamp on student leadership as SGA president. As a student leader, Jackson was elected by SGA presidential peers from across the University of Louisiana System to serve as Grambling's Student Member of the ULS Board of Supervisors. 

Ever the public servant, Steven has served in several professional and volunteer capacities throughout the Shreveport community. In 2012, he was recognized by the Shreveport Bossier Chamber of Commerce, Young Professional Initiative as one of Shreveport’s 40 Under 40 young professionals. Steven also served as executive assistant to Mayor Cedric B. Glover serving as an advisor for state and federal legislative affairs, special economic development projects, liaison for quasi-governmental agencies, and neighborhood associations.

In the fall 2015, Caddo residents of District 3 elected Steven to represent them on the Caddo Parish Commission. Capturing 64 percent of the vote, he is the youngest person to ever serve on the Commission. In 2017, he became the youngest person (29 years old) to serve as president of the Caddo Parish Commission . During his first year of service he is credited with establishing the parish's Safe Summer Initiative which increased the number of youth employment during the summer and increased safe recreation activities in response to violence. He also successfully secured $1 million to help support building Caddo Common Park. 

Steven works full-time as a community and business development coordinator for a local community-based health system. He completed an interdisciplinary master’s degree in Liberal Arts from Louisiana State University-Shreveport in Spring 2012.

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