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5 Strategies That Will Help You Find Your Dream Job

Last Updated on May 13, 2017

Young Black professional is smiling at his dream job.Just like finding true love, we all want to land our dream job. Something that would make us satisfied and content with where we are and make us happy with our work every day. A job that would not let us feels like we are working and have to survive throughout the day in vain just to earn money, but rather enjoy every minute of it. Just think of how many hours per week we spend working, is it truly worth wasting our precious time? So we must act as soon as possible to start moving toward finding our passion and obtaining our dream job. It's not complicated, with a good strategy in place.

That's why we offer 5 of the best ways to find your dream job and be good at it too!

Know and understand yourself

No one else knows you better than you so before you scour the want ads; it would be a great idea to do a self-assessment. Think of interests that you are compelled to do even without getting paid. What are your talents? Which of these talents do you find easy to do and you excel in performing? What field or industry do you prefer? What type of work matches your skills? Knowing yourself better will also require support and feedback from other people. Ask your close friends and family what you are good at, what has impressed them, and what resulted in a job well done. Compliments serve as your motivation, and your inspiration and your close friends and family may even be able to suggest a career path you haven’t currently considered.

Start now and never stop learning

Educational resources are a great tools for learning more about the industry you’ve chosen to pursue. Whether you take adult learning courses or pursue some vocational training, it is best to start early when you still do not have a stack of obligations at hand. However, if this period has passed you by, remember that it’s never too late no matter how old you may be. You can surely still have your dream job if you truly want to. Knowing your strengths and taking inspiration from your education will provide a whole host of different career ideas for you.

Gain experience

First of all, do not hesitate with lack of experience if you do not have any yet. Just focus on your current talents and skills and find a place where you can apply them. There are various channels to do so such as actively participating in school activities and projects, doing volunteer work, or taking on internships and having fun on the job. Once you’ve got some experience in the field you want to work in, you’ll be much more able to see a clear career path. Your new experience will get your first step on the ladder to your dream job.

Work on building your resume and your network

The experience you acquire will form part of your resume. Include a full description of your accomplishments, skills and talents, and this should explicitly show that you are the right candidate for the job, and you deserve it. In line with this, create a cover letter, which does not say you are the best but should present why exactly you are a perfect match for your dream job. Prepare for interviews as well and be professional yet honest and sincere with your answers and do not be afraid to ask questions once you are already there. Another way of opening up your contact with movers and shakers in the industry you’ve chosen is by contacting them through LinkedIn or finding them in relevant forums. Write pertinent questions, and enter into discussions. Grow your contacts and nurture them – one day one could give you a good lead for your dream job.

Be realistic and be patient

Practice, work hard, do something productive and efficient while waiting for your dream job to arrive. Be realistic in considering your financial status and needs, and what job you like that will serve well for you. Your patience will also yield the best things so do not rush things but observe careful planning along the path to finding your dream job. Also, have realistic expectations since nothing is perfect, any progress should be appreciated and regarded as a valuable step towards reaching your goal.

Finding your dream job does not have to be complicated nor require too much of your time and efforts. Commit yourself towards your goal and apply these 5 Strategies for finding your Dream Job in the process. If you are committed to finding it then very soon, you could be waking up every day to your dream job.

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