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HBCU vs PWI Employment Debate: Our Grads Are in Demand

Last Updated on May 13, 2017

HBCU vs PWI Employment Debate: A graduate at 2016 Dillard University Commencement is recognized during the ceremony.
Photo via Dillard University in New Orleans, Louisiana.
There is no definitive information available from any known source that would suggest that white employers are not hiring HBCU graduates, but we already know this is not the case.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics generates loads of reports and statistical data. However, they do not report on companies who hire or do not hire HBCU graduates. Unfortunately, some persons come along every now and then who find it necessary to assault the sensitivities of students, faculty and graduates of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Their sole purpose is to gain notoriety. Truthfully, speaking, they should be ignored. However, sometimes their foolishness is so outlandish it demands a response.

See related post: Why Am I Always Defending My HBCU Education to Other Black People?

Charity's Absurd Assumption

Such is the case with Charity Chambers, who goes by the Twitter handle Sports With Charity. Most major white companies are making a concerted effort to hire graduates from HBCUs. Many, if not most have diversity goals they wish to achieve. What better place to keep those goals than by hiring from the most concentrated pool of African American graduates — HBCUs.

"Sorry to all of you HBCU goers/grads but just be REALISTIC. What white employer would pick an HBCU grad over PWI grad??... VERYYYYYY few" — @CharityCSports
@CharityCSports tweet via Twitter

They (HBCUs) receive hundreds of millions in scholarship dollars, research funds, faculty fellowships, and physical plant improvement grants from major white companies.

The Value of HBCU Graduates

Shouldn’t major white companies want to reap the benefits of investing so much money in HBCUs? The short answer is yes. The hiring of HBCU graduates is one of the ways that dominant white companies recoup their investment.

A recent article published on the Forbes website entitled ROI On HBCUs: The Role Of Historically Black Colleges In The 21st Century states:

“According to a U.S. Commission On Civil Rights report, HBCUs are credited with creating the American black middle class. The report states that HBCU’s have produced 40% of African-American members of Congress, 40% of engineers, 50% professors at PWIs, 50% lawyers, and 80% of judges. The impact of millennial HBCU alum are found across all industries: Wall Street, Capitol Hill, Hollywood, on campuses like Harvard Business School, Johns Hopkins, Stanford GSB, at companies such as McKinsey, Goldman Sachs, Google, Apple — and even on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 lists.”

Persons who graduate from HBCUs or PWIs may sometimes find immediate employment after graduation a bit difficult because of the state of the economy at that time. When the economy brightens most graduates will find employment.

See related post: Top 20 HBCUs by Alumni Starting Average Salary 2015

Employment Opportunities Are There

HBCU graduates should not worry about being hired by major white companies if that is their goal. If you have talent, learned skills, and a similar positive mindset, these companies are looking for you—and you will be employed.

See related post: 10 Websites for College Students to Find Jobs and Internships

3 thoughts on “HBCU vs PWI Employment Debate: Our Grads Are in Demand”

  1. When I look at the US CENSUS DATA on educational achievement the MATH says only 2% of the college educated US population is BLACK.


    HBCUs represent only 3% of ALL INSTITUTIONS so obviously if they are producing 50% or higher the pipeline for key positions in society…THEY ARE VALUABLE.

    IF PWIs have the bulk of the economic resources to recruit and retain graduates from their corridors…GET UR DONE.




  2. Clearly, Charity is a young woman who is blinded by her allegiance for her PWI and her very limited knowledge of the workforce. She, like so many others, probably base her opinion on about 20 HBCU alumni whom they don’t find impressive. But take a look at her Twitter timeline and you’ll see all you need to see about her level of maturity.

    But let me offer this to those on the HBCU side who are tempted to war against all black PWI alumni. My dentist, eye doctor, life insurance agent, and my most trusted business partner are all HBCU alumni; and I’m a PWI alumnus.

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