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GBHEM HBCU Scholarships: Empower Your Academic Success

Last Updated on January 10, 2024

Smiling HBCU student with headphones using laptop, researching GBHEM HBCU Scholarships

Elevating HBCU Aspirations and Supporting Your College Dreams with Scholarships

If you didn't know, GBHEM stands for The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. One of their big goals is to help students at United Methodist affiliated HBCUs afford college. That's where GBHEM HBCU Scholarships come in.

Think about it, isn't it great when someone gives you a hand to reach your dreams?

Confident young man adjusting his bow tie, ready for HBCU success
DeCarlos Nora

These HBCU scholarships are like keys that open doors to new chances and a brighter future.

DeCarlos Nora, a student at Philander Smith University who received a $500 GBHEM HBCU Scholarship in 2023, thinks they're super helpful. 

“I think scholarships are a way to help those in need… I came to school with the goal to leave debt-free and make sure my parents don’t struggle trying to keep me in school. Scholarships have been an extremely helpful way for me to accomplish my goal.” 

Do you want to get a GBHEM HBCU scholarship? Let's talk about how you can apply!

Julia Tippen in graduation attire, celebrating her achievements at Dillard University

First, you need to show you're doing well in school and need financial help. You must also show your community involvement. When applying, you'll need to send in your transcripts to verify your school grades. You will also need to write an essay about yourself and get letters from people who recommend you.

Julia Tippen (Dillard University Class of 2023), who got this scholarship, gives a great tip. She says to make sure you tell your own special story and your accomplishments. She shares, “I can say with certainty that I would not have been able to afford to attend Dillard University without the generous support of GBHEM and their donors.”

Here are the basic GHEM HBCU Scholarships requirements:

  1. You need to be a full member of The United Methodist Church (UMC) for at least a year.
  2. You have to be currently attending at an UMC affiliated HBCU
  3. High school students can apply if they're going to start college in the fall.
  4. Your grades matter! You should have at least a 2.5 GPA out of a 4.0.
  5. You need to be a full-time student.
  6. You can get a GBHEM scholarship for up to seven years, but not for an eighth year.

GBHEM HBCU Scholarships applications are open from December 15th to March 13th

Click the button below to learn more and apply for scholarship opportunities today.

Spotlight on Key Scholarships

There are 11 GBHEM HBCU scholarships available, with awards ranging from $500 to $20,000 for United Methodist students attending one of the 11 Black College Fund schools. These HBCUs include:

  • Bennett College
  • Bethune-Cookman University
  • Claflin University
  • Clark Atlanta University
  • Dillard University
  • Huston-Tillotson University
  • Meharry Medical College
  • Paine College
  • Philander Smith University
  • Rust College
  • Wiley College

DeCarlos Nora talks about how important both scholarships and religion are to his choice of college. He says, “Philander Smith University a small school with an excellent business program as well as a strong connection to religious life.”

Maximizing Your Chances

To make your scholarship application better, work hard to get good grades. Take part in extra activities outside of class and help out in your community. DeCarlos Nora shares, “Many people rely on scholarships to stay in school… Scholarships have been an extremely helpful way for me to accomplish my goal.”

Beyond the Scholarship: More Resources

GBHEM HBCU Scholarships go beyond financial support, offering mentoring, internships, and career guidance. These resources are invaluable for students looking to shape a well-rounded career. Julia Tippen notes the positive impact of the scholarship: “This was a life-changing experience, and I am very thankful.”

Success Stories and Making a Difference

Hearing stories from students like Julia Tippen and DeCarlos Nora shows the value of GBHEM HBCU scholarships. Their stories tell us a lot. They show us how these scholarships change lives. They give more than money; they also offer guidance and a feeling of belonging.

For students at HBCUs, these scholarships are a special chance to show what they can do. Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your educational journey.

Apply now for the GBHEM HBCU Scholarships by visiting the GBHEM HBCU Scholarships page.

If you would like to know more about GBHEM and the Black College Fund visit GBHEM.org.

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