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HBCU Staff Reports

An African-American Male Teacher Helps Students Studying At Desks In Classroom.

WSSU Program Responds to the Need for Males in Classrooms

A new program at Winston-Salem State University is focused on addressing a national demand for getting more African-American males in nation’s elementary and secondary schools. WSSU’s new M-Strong is designed to attract African-American males interested in the teaching profession and providing them an opportunity to get into the pipeline. As North Carolina considers strategies to

WSSU Program Responds to the Need for Males in Classrooms Read More »

Jackson State University to create 1st School of Public Health in Mississippi

Union Pacific Railroad Donates to JSU College of Business

Jackson State University’s College of Business recently received a donation of $23,000 from the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR). Lovell Cox, JSU alumnus and Director of Marketing and Sales for UPRR’s Western Region, presented the contribution to Business Dean Ramin Maysami. “The College of Business has formed a strong strategic partnership with Union Pacific. Given the

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Students on the campus of Delaware State University

Delaware State Named 1890 University of the Year by APLU

The Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) has named Delaware State University as the 1890 University of the Year, and also presented DSU with three other land grant awards. The University received the awards during the 128th APLU Annual Meeting on Nov. 15-17 in Indianapolis, Ind., during which the organization held its 1890 Land-Grant

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Football Provides Thanksgiving Dinners To Families

ASU Football Team Provides Thanksgiving Dinners to Families

Fresh off a big win in the 92nd Turkey Day Classic, the Hornets football team took time out to give back to the community by providing Thanksgiving dinners to 20 area families. The Alabama State University football program provided dinners to 20 families in Montgomery on Tuesday, November 24th. The entire team contributed in the

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Bluefield State College

Bluefield State Receives $2.5 Million SAFRA Grant Award

Bluefield State College has received notification from the U.S. Department of Education that it will receive a $2.5 million grant. The five year grant is focused on Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA) activities. The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009 earmarked funds for Federal Title III programs designed to help eligible

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Benedict Ranked Among Best Baccalaureate Colleges

For the fifth consecutive year, Benedict College has been ranked as one of the nation’s best Baccalaureate Institutions by Washington Monthly magazine in its September/October issue. This year, Benedict College is ranked No. 16 in the listing. The rankings are based on three broad categories: “social mobility” (recruiting and graduating low-income students); “research” (producing cutting-edge

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Alabama AM campus

AAMU Raises Over $19M to Surpass Capital Campaign Goal

Alabama A&M University recently announced that its Imagine the Future Capital Campaign has garnered more than $19 million in philanthropic support. The campaign’s original goal was set at $16.25 million. During the university’s October 30 trustees meeting, the board approved an increase of the campaign goal to $22,187,500 in commemoration of the institution’s founding year

AAMU Raises Over $19M to Surpass Capital Campaign Goal Read More »

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