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Top 10 HBCUs with the Highest Retention Rates for 2015

Last Updated on May 27, 2023

Top 10 HBCUs with the Highest Retention and Graduation Rates
Photo credit: Winston-Salem State University
The new report has been issued by EDsmart, which reveals the top ten historically black colleges with the highest retention and graduation rates. The report allows students, parents, and schools to evaluate colleges based on important outcome-related measures. Also shown are the degrees awarded, which can be a factor of consideration for schools and counselors.

Each year, students decide to transfer from one college to another for various reasons. Although this is a choice for the student, it also means it could increase their overall cost of attendance and decrease their probability of graduation. Students who decide to transfer to a new college lower their chance of graduating in six years by 87%.

Choosing the right college is very important. Student's choosing a college that has high retention and graduation rates reduces a students likelihood of transferring to a new college. It also shows the college is offering their students quality courses and facilities. EDsmart states, “Although graduation and retention rates are factors that should weigh heavily in a student's decision of which university to attend, those that are evaluating potential candidates should use these figures only as a way to narrow down their schools of choice. We advise parents and potential students to look at other factors that are specific to each individual's needs.”

The Top Ten Historically Black Colleges with the Highest Retention and Graduation Rates are as follows:

Oakwood University
Hunstville, AL
Wilberforce University
Wilberforce, OH
Winston-Salem State University
Winston-Salem, NC
Tougaloo College Tougaloo, MS
Elizabeth City State University
Elizabeth City, NC
Florida A&M University
Tallahassee, FL
Howard University Washington, DC
Morehouse College Atlanta, GA
Fisk University Nashville, TN
Spelman College Atlanta, GA

Graduation and retention rates are not only a good way for students and parents to find the best colleges; they also offer a metric for the colleges themselves to gauge how well they are serving their student's needs. When a college loses a student, it also becomes a financial loss to both parties.

Colleges that struggle with graduation and retention rates can look at the Top 10 Historically Black Colleges with the Highest Graduation and Retention Rates Report that has been put together by the team at EDsmart.

“The 10 colleges listed by EDsmart can be used as benchmarks for similar colleges in regards to graduation and retention rates.

For additional information please visit www.edsmart.org

About The EDsmart.org Community College Ranking
The ranking allows students and parents to see which education establishments are performing well, to give them an informed choice of where to attend.

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