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Dare to be Successful: Insights from a Hip-Hop Mogul

Successful young African American female pointing at herself

How do you get from where you are at this moment to where you want to be? What will it take to begin aligning up your priorities in order to make this great transition? How do you position yourself for the type of success that you want to achieve in this life? Brian Tracy noted author and motivational speaker once quoted that Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the right numbers, in the right order, so you can have anything you want”. What is your number, pattern, specialty, gift, or talent that can be used to unlock your destination? You have to understand the fundamentals of success and not let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. It was once noted that one reason why bees carry more weight than their body permits is because nobody told them they couldn’t. You need this same type of tunnel vision in order to achieve the impossible. No excuse or distraction in the world should deter you from creating the life you have always imagined.

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success”. – Swami Vivekananda

Have you ever wondered what Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates have in common? Could it be that they found that one idea worthy of pursuit and put their entire life behind it? The last time I checked Facebook has approximately 937, 407, 180 million subscribers all around the world according to (internetworldstats.com); and Bill Gates founder of Microsoft runs the largest foundation in the world “The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” which has according to “Wikipedia” has anendowment of US$36.2 billion as of 30 September 2012. If their one idea could turn into these powerful concepts imagine what you could do if you would only “Dare to be successful”. American business magnate Russell Simmons author of Do you “12 LAWS TO ACCESS THE POWER IN YOUR TO ACHIEVE HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS” created some powerful principle that I believe will help you to understand your role in achieving greater levels of successful.

Hip-Hop Mogul Russell Simmons smiling on the cover of his book titled Do You Below I have outline 3 of the laws I thought would most beneficial to your success at this particular moment. Each one of the 12 laws are iron clad within their own right but; I felt these 3 laws should gear your thinking towards taking positive action to achieve the desired results you seek. This book is not a book of ideas but a book of success principles that I believe can be used by successful men and women from all parts of the world. If you are not familiar with the process of becoming successful just remember that success is a journey and not a destination. It’s what you learn along the way that makes your desires more meaningful. Although you may lose sight of the big picture from time to time just don’t lose your vision Habakkuk. Check out these 3 principles and put them to work immediately in your life and then go and get a copy of the book as it will become a great reference in your library.

  • Get your mind right (There is nothing as powerful as a changed mind) Make it your priority to get your thinking aligned up with success, health, wealth & prosperity. Why? Because without a correct mindset or (mental state) you'll never be able to get your life right. Your life can only grow to the level that your mind does and when that happens; you can begin to grasp the true meaning of the statement “Knowledge is Power. The more that you are able to learn in turn gives you the ability to make better decisions and thus the power to take control of your life. You have to become a life-long learner and find a means in which to leverage that knowledge into productive channels of success.
  • Stop Frontin’ and Start today (Being your true self is the only way to experience inner peace and harmony. Striving to be something you are not only creates internal conflict and disharmony So, start today and begin taking steps towards understanding the person you were born to become; then go and learn from those who are where you would like to be. Tony Robbins, a world renowned motivational speaker said “Success leaves clues”. So, start today by learning how you can obtain the happiness and success you has always dreamed of. Remember, that tomorrow may never come so many every moment count today.
  • Be Powerful Be heard (Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.
    ~F. Scott Fitzgerald~). What books, novels, movie scripts or inventions are you holding in your mind? The time has come for you to get those ideas out and begin the process of liberating those who breakthrough is in your belly. Just imagine for a moment what traffic would be like if Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr., an African-American, who was born in Paris, Kentucky wouldn’t have invented the traffic light? In the age that we are living “Communication” will be key as you have to utilize all the technology that is within your grasp and begin to raise your voice. And the LORD answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. (Habakkuk 2:2). Somebody is waiting to see your vision so they can put it to good use! Be Powerful Be Heard and definitely Be Patient!

“The ascent of Everest was not the work of one day, nor even of those few unforgettable weeks in which we climbed….It is, in fact, a tale of sustained and tenacious endeavor by many, over a long period of time” – Sir John Hunt, Scaled Mount Everest in 1953

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