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HL 032: Nate Parker Summer Film Program, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program

Last Updated on April 22, 2016

Podcast 32 features Nicole Sharpe (Nate Parker Foundation), Leslie Brown (Hampton University) and M. Scott Lilly (TMCF & Opportunity Funding Corporation.
Podcast episode 32 guests (top to bottom): Nicole Sharpe, Leslie Brown and M. Scott Lilly.

Two major events for HBCU students approach while we find out how we can best support our military veterans.


Producer, director, and actor Nate Parker got his first taste of HBCU life as “Henry Lowe” in [easyazon_link identifier=”B003Z71OO6″ locale=”US” tag=”hbli0b-20″]The Great Debaters[/easyazon_link]. From there, Parker formed a lasting relationship with Wiley College and has since stepped up his commitment to the Marshall, Tex. college.

Through his foundation, Parker has committed to offering a summer film institute and a forthcoming academic program. Nicole Sharpe, co-executive director of the Nate Parker Foundation, joins the HBCU Lifestyle Podcast to talk about the celebrity’s efforts.

Applications for the summer institute, which will be held at Wiley July 8-17, are due April 30. For information, email [email protected] or [email protected] or call 914-304-4290.


Some of the most beloved members of the HBCU community are military veterans. Their struggles after serving the U.S., however, can be significant. Leslie Brown is a therapist who works with veterans and she joins the podcast to discuss how civilians can better understand and support veterans.

Brown, whose father Jasper Brown appeared on episode 23, is an alumna of Hampton. She is pursuing her Ph.D. and marriage and family therapy.


M. Scott Lilly, vice president of programs of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and president of the Opportunity Funding Corporation (OFC), visits the podcast to talk about the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program. Sponsored by OFC, the program’s conference will be May 25-28 in Atlanta.

Over the past 14 years, OFC has infused entrepreneurship into HBCUs curricula by providing the resources and knowledge needed to bridge the gap for HBCU students.

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