Last Updated on October 30, 2013

If you've never had the pleasure of sampling Terrance Williams' work, do yourself a favor and head over to This up-and-coming musician is multi-talented, drawing influences from a sweeping range of musical influences and sampling R&B, hip-hop and electronica, to name just a few, in his current single, Awkward Turtle (We're In Trouble!). Williams' is set to independently release his highly anticipated fourth mixtape Hieroglyphics Act II: The Adventures of Captain BES via free digital download on May 1, 2013.
In Williams' press release he states: “I want to make music that revolutionizes the mind” when asked about the project. He goes on to say: “Hieroglyphics Act II’ was inspired by the film ‘School Daze’ as well as his own life and college experiences.” Musically and topically the mixtape covers much ground ranging from social themes of consumerism and poverty to lighter, feelgood themes that involve good food and good friends.
In a recent interview with HBCU Lifestyle, Williams opened up about his early school experiences, his musical influences and the message he wishes to convey through his work, along with his plans for the future.
Educational Background
Williams attended a KIPP charter school in North Carolina, giving him a very different background from many students attending HBCUs. His middle school and high school experiences left him “tired of it socially,” and Williams dropped out before completing high school. However, the drive toward higher education was always present in his mind.
Knowing that a local college was his best choice, Williams applied to Bowie State, Coppin State, Morgan State and Howard University. Despite a spotty attendance record, Williams' SAT scores were extremely high, and he eventually attended Morgan State, the first school to reply with an acceptance letter.
When he arrived at Morgan for his orientation, Williams relates that the experience was a life-changing one, calling his HBCU experience “the most amazing thing that God ever created.” He relished the freedom that freshman year represented and the opportunities to meet new people. Looking back, he says that he can clearly imagine the excitement which charges every new class of freshmen, on their own for the first time without parents watching their every move. Even though Williams' road to college wasn't the most traditional, it sounds as if he wouldn't trade the experience for the world.
Musical Influences
When asked to list his musical influences, which apparently grace the walls of his apartment, Williams has to laugh – the list is undoubtedly too long to recall. He does an admirable job, however, rapidly firing off over forty of the most influential names in music history. His wide range of influences is even more admirable, including artists as musically diverse as Sam Cooke and Tupac Shakur, Billy Holiday and Aaliyah, Smokey Robinson and A Tribe Called Quest. It seems as though a little bit of everything has gone into the creation of Williams' unique style, and his songs clearly reflect the deep pool of inspiration from which he's drawn of the years.
Current Plans
Williams' current single is off his latest mix tape (which he admits is much more of an album in content and style), Hieroglyphics Act Two: The Adventures of Captain BES. Williams' relates the name of his most recent project was gleaned from ancient Egyptian lore, with BES representing the Egyptian god of music. The unique name has a double meaning, also being Williams' own acronym for the Black Education Struggle.
When asked of his plans, Williams is as broad and far-ranging as his sound. He talks about his desire to finish school as well as to become involved with organizations promoting LGTB rights, human rights and his community as a whole, including the promotion of African-American-owned businesses.
As of now, Williams' music can be downloaded for at the free mixtape site…go get it today! For booking contact Terrance at [email protected] or call 443.635.1743. To keep up with his music and get the latest news – follow his twitter page at @twloudmouth.

Hey everyone, I'm Stephanie! With 15 years under my belt as a dedicated freelance writer, I've found a special place here at HBCU Lifestyle where I can merge my writing expertise with my love for the vibrant world of HBCUs. Beyond the campus buzz, I'm a huge travel enthusiast and an animal lover at heart. Whether I'm exploring new destinations or hanging out with my furry friends, these experiences enrich my storytelling. Here, I dive into topics close to my heart – diversity, inclusion, and the dynamic life at HBCUs – and bring a unique perspective shaped by my journeys and adventures. Join me in celebrating the spirit of HBCUs and the diverse stories that make our community so special!