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Hampton and Tuskegee Airmen Partner to Teach STEM to Teens

2015 HU/TAI STEM Academy students
2015 HU/TAI STEM Academy students

The Hampton University School of Engineering and Technology in partnership with Tuskegee Airmen Inc. (TAI) hosted their 2nd Annual TAI/HU Aviation STEM program for high school students on July 5 – 11.

The objectives of the one week program was to introduce the student participants to the historical impact of the Tuskegee Airmen experience and to the basics of how math and science are applied in aviation, to aviation careers.

“The idea behind this collaboration is to use aviation, and particularly the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen, to engage young people in learning about STEM topics,” said Dr. Eric Sheppard, Dean of the School of Engineering and Technology.”For example, I will be talking about aerospace propulsion and helicopters on the morning that they visit the Fort Eustis helicopter facility.”

TAI is serving as the primary sponsor of the program, they are covering activities costs. Southwest Airlines is covering the travel costs for the students and the Virginia Department of Aviation also contributed to the program.

The 30 students from across the nation will visited local museums including the Virginia Air and Space Center, HU Museum and For Eustis during the day. And in the evening students will viewed videos on science, engineering, aviation, and Blacks in aviation, including the Tuskegee Airmen, as well as lectures from invited speakers. To close the program the students were assigned to teams for projects and make final presentation.

Source: Hampton University Office of University Relations

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