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Clark Atlanta Receives A $231,000 Grant From Chevron

Last Updated on October 14, 2014

CAU Chevron scholarships recipients with Glenn Weckerlin, Manager of University Partnerships & Association Relations, Chevron, Niccole Boswell, Diversity Portfolio Manager, Chevron and Dr. Olu Olatidoye, Dual Degree Engineering Program, CAU.
CAU Chevron scholarships recipients with Glenn Weckerlin, Manager of University Partnerships & Association Relations, Chevron, Niccole Boswell, Diversity Portfolio Manager, Chevron and Dr. Olu Olatidoye, Dual Degree Engineering Program, CAU. Photo credit: Curtis McDowell for Clark Atlanta University

Chevron Corporation announced on Sept. 30 that it would provide a $231,500 grant for scholarships and to support enrichment programs for Clark Atlanta University’s (CAU) business and engineering students.  This is the third award of more than $200,000 from Chevron since 2011.

Trisa Long Paschal, vice president for Institutional Advancement and University Relations, said, “We at CAU are grateful for our long-standing ties with Chevron and for its model corporate citizenship in supporting higher education and related strategic initiatives.  It is always our pleasure to welcome Chevron executives to campus to meet our talented students and continue strengthening exchange with these relationships that, in many ways, are as important as the company’s generous scholarship support.”

Joe Laymon, Chevron’s vice president of Human Resources, Medical and Security, and a member of Clark Atlanta University’s board of trustees, said, “Our ongoing relationship with CAU is important for a few reasons, especially for the pool of talented Clark Atlanta University students in engineering, supply chain management, marketing, security and other majors who will make great contributions in the corporate arena and in their own families and communities.  To support them in their matriculation is an investment that assures immeasurable return.”

Selected Clark Atlanta University students, administrators and faculty who participated in the presentation, which took place during a Sept. 30 scholars’ luncheon, shared their appreciation.  Interim Dean Charles Moses of Clark Atlanta University’s School of Business Administration said, “As wonderful as our history is, we would not have much of a future without the assistance of our corporate partners, and Chevron has been one of the most generous.”

About the Chevron Corporation

Chevron is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide.  The company’s success is driven by the ingenuity and commitment of its employees and their application of the most innovative technologies in the world.  Chevron is involved in virtually every facet of the energy industry.  The company explores for, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas; refines, markets and distributes transportation fuels and other energy products; manufactures and sells petrochemical products; generates power and produces geothermal energy; provides energy efficiency solutions; and develops the energy resources of the future, including biofuels.  Chevron is based in San Ramon, Calif.  More information about Chevron is available at www.chevron.com.

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