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5th Annual Atlanta HBCU 5k Run and Walk

Last Updated on May 31, 2023

Run for You, Run For Them, Run For Us! The 5th Annual Atlanta HBCU Alumni Alliance 5k Run/Walk is coming Saturday, June 30, 2012 at Grant Park. Onsite Registration and Check-in begins at 7:30 AM. The Run/Walk Starts at 8:30 AM.

ATLANTA HBCU ALUMNI ALLIANCE 5K RUN / WALKHealth Fair immediately following the race.

If you are NOT interested in registering for the Run/Walk and please consider making a donation instead. Proceeds benefit the scholarship programs of the participating alumni chapters!


840 Cherokee Ave SE
Atlanta, GA 30315


$25: through June 1st
$30: June 2nd – June 24th
$35: June 30th

This course is certified by the USA Track& Field

For more information or to register visit http://www.hbcualumniatlanta.org/5k_2012.html

Photo courtesy of Atlanta HBCU Alumni Alliance

2 thoughts on “5th Annual Atlanta HBCU 5k Run and Walk”

  1. Hello I would like to know if I may participate as a food vendor, I sell Italian Ices from a 4×4 puschcart, in exchange for me setting I will donate 15% of profits.

    I can be reached at 770-783-2776 to further discuss, thank you fo your time and consideration.

    Donald Small

  2. Hi Donald, for information about becoming a vendor for the 5th Annual Atlanta HBCU 5k Run/Walk please email the Atlanta HBCU Alumni Alliance directly at [email protected] or call Marck Dorvil (5K Race Coordinator) at (404) 260-7404 ext. 103.

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