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Why Professors Should Embrace Technology in the Classroom

Last Updated on October 27, 2013

Why-Professors-Should-Embrace-Technology-in-the-Classroom“Back in the day, when I was young, I'm not kid anymore, but some days I sit and I was a kid again…I remember.” This aforementioned chorus from the song, “Back in the Day” by Ahmad can be a representative of so many facets as it relates to education, but they can truly represent the state of mind of students, particularly HBCU students, in regards to technology and its use in the classroom. Yes, it seems it would be easier to go back to the methods of educational instruction that were used back in the day to complete your work, but will you be prepared as you graduate from college and hit the real world? Technology and all that it entails seems to have invaded our educational system. Gone are the days of an instructor using only chalkboards and erasers to teach. Present are the days when an instructor requires a student to have some type of electronic device to actively participate in class.

Allow Students To Be Competitive

Many instructors do not encourage the use of mobile devices because they feel that they are a distraction to students and the class routine. This is a common misconception. By allowing students in their classes to bring their devices to class, they can share so many useful applications or features that could assist with writing, grammar, and research. When an instructor feels hesitant about embracing technology, students will adopt the behavior of their instructor. This is a behavior that could hinder the student from being a competitive presence in their chosen field. Embrace technology. Do not be afraid to allow your students to bring their laptop, tablet, or mobile device to class and to use them.

Leverage Technology With Rules

There are several instructors who allow their students to utilize electronic devices in the class. These select individuals realize that if their students are to actively compete with their peers from other institutions, then students must establish a relationship with their devices. These individuals have also established rules that govern the use of devices in the classroom. These rules, which are established early in class, determine whether an instructor will spend the entire class complaining about devices or if the lesson for the day flows naturally.

Get over your fear. Let's not go back.

Photo Courtesy of BIGSTOCK

1 thought on “Why Professors Should Embrace Technology in the Classroom”

  1. Josef Toenges

    Laptops are common now; everyone’s these to decide on school or when they travel for work. They’re useful and to maneuver with. What on earth is also common should be to see someone scrambling to discover a place to charge a laptop battery. That report due tomorrow may suddenly be lost if you don’t find an outlet within thirty seconds… Or that slideshow you could have created (but carelessly forgot just to save) may disappear should your laptop battery is just not recharged.-:'”

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