Last Updated on May 26, 2023

You’ll most likely be writing a lot of research papers while in college, so it is important to master the skill of finding the right research paper topics. Unfortunately, not all the topics you are interested in may be that easy to write about. It becomes even more difficult if there is not enough research material on the topic you've chosen.
Research Paper Topics: Find a Broad Subject First, Then Narrow It Down
One thing that works when finding the right research paper topics is to think of several subjects that interest you. Try writing down these subjects on a sheet of paper. Choose the one that interests you the most, and then break down the general subject into smaller chunks of topics that are related to it.
Narrow down your topics to the most interesting ones. If it is a controversial topic, choose a particular perspective that you will develop in your research paper. Read different points of view related to your topic, as this expands your knowledge and makes writing your paper easier.
Mind mapping is always a good idea, too. To find out how much you actually know about a topic, make a mind map of it. Put the main concept in the middle of a sheet of paper, then start adding relevant terms around it. When you run out of terms on this topic, you'll see if they're sufficient for a paper.
Another way to get yourself completely rid of all the trouble is to get a research paper writing service to help you. By delegating your assignment, you will free up some of your time and see how this type of paper is done by a professional. You can stay in touch with your paper writer every step of the way, ask them questions, and request drafts. This will allow you to stay on top of the process and see how a thesis statement becomes a full paper.
A helpful way to find a topic that would make writing a research paper easy is to use one you’ve already written about. Take one of the essays you’ve written for this particular subject and see if you can broaden this topic. How much more detail can you add? Has any new research been made on that topic? In academia, it’s quite normal to broaden and deepen your past research, so you might as well start now.
Make sure you have enough resources for your topic.
Do a quick online search on the topics on your list to see which one is widely researched. This means finding a topic that is discussed not just on websites or blogs, but more so in books, articles, and even encyclopedia references. Find a topic that is both interesting and has plenty of published material. Check magazine articles, because these are usually shorter and more updated than those found in books.
Check references online or at the library.
Once you have chosen your topic, check the internet for references and also try using your school's library database, which may also be available online. Don't hesitate to ask your librarian for assistance with an urgent research paper. Other resources beyond the library include research paper websites that provide professional research paper writing help.
Writing a research paper requires a lot of time, extreme concentration, and diligence. And not everyone can cope with this task. Therefore, some people turn to special services for writing student papers. However, we do not recommend ordering this work. It is better to order editing for the writing assignment. In any case, it is always better to analyze both writing and editing services.
It is difficult to identify scammers, so it is better to trust a professional like William Grabe. On his website, you will find a detailed analysis of the best essay writing services.
Running out of topics to write about? Check the suggestions below that can help you choose the right research paper topics:
Business Research Paper Topics:
- Cloud computing
- Cybersecurity
- E-business
- Glass ceiling
- The gender pay gap
- Geo arbitrage
- Gig economy
- Online retail
- Online whiteboards
- Outsourcing
- Sweatshops
- Machine learning and automation
- Marketing and advertising
- Sales
- Customer Service
- Finance
- Management
- Operations Management
- Economics
- Business ethics and social responsibility
- Human Resources Management
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Strategy
- Teleconferencing and video meetings
- Voice over IP (VoIP)
- White collar crime
- Work from home
Crime, Law, and Social Justice Research Paper Topics:
- Acquaintance rape
- Animal rights
- Assisted suicide
- Campus violence
- Capital punishment
- Civil rights
- Climate justice
- Drinking age, legal
- Drug legalization
- Gun control and gun violence
- Hate crimes
- Hunger and food insecurity
- Income gap
- Insanity defense
- Mandatory minimum sentencing
- Patriot Act
- Police brutality
- Prisons and prisoners
- Racial equality
- Refugee crisis
- Roe v Wade
- Self defense
- Serial killers
- Sex crimes
- Sexual harassment
- Stand Your Ground Law
- Three Strikes Law
Drugs and alcohol Research Paper Topics:
- Addiction recovery
- Alcohol
- CBD (Cannabidiol) benefits
- Cocaine
- Doping in sports
- Drug testing
- Drug addition
- Drunk driving
- Hemp seed benefits
- Heroin
- Marijuana and medical marijuana
- Nicotine
- Prescription drug abuse
- Sober living
- Substance abuse
- Twelve Steps
Education Research Paper Topics:
- Attention deficit disorder
- Charter schools
- College admission policies
- College athletes
- College tuition planning
- Distance education
- Diploma mills
- Education and funding
- Grade inflation
- Greek letter societies
- Hazing
- Home schooling
- Intelligence tests
- Learning disabilities
- Literacy in America
- No Child Left Behind
- Plagiarism
- Prayer in schools
- Sex education
- School vouchers
- Standardized tests
Environmental Research Paper Topics:
- Acid rain
- Alternative fuel/hybrid vehicles
- Conservation
- Climate change
- Deforestation
- Endangered species
- Energy
- Geoengineering
- Global warming
- Greenhouse effect
- Hurricanes
- Landfills
- Marine pollution
- Nuclear energy
- Oil spills
- Pesticides
- Petroleum
- Pollution
- Population control
- Radioactive waste disposal
- Recycling
- Smog
- Soil pollution
- Wildlife conservation
Family Issues Research Paper Topics:
- Battered woman syndrome
- Child abuse
- Divorce rates
- Domestic abuse
- Family relationships
- Family values
- Parental Leave Benefits and Their Impact on the Family
- Children's Mental Health & Development Impacted by Parental Absence
- The Cost of Child Care
- What Future Education Systems Must Include to Support Familial Wellbeing and Successful Learning for All
Health Research Paper Topics:
- Abortion
- Attention deficit disorder
- Alternative medicine
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Artificial insemination
- Autism
- Birth control
- Bulimia
- Cancer
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Depression
- Dietary supplements
- Drug abuse
- Dyslexia
- Exercise and fitness
- Fad diets
- Fast food
- Heart disease
- Health Care Reform
- HIV infection
- In vitro fertilization
- Medicaid, Medicare reform
- Obesity
- Organic foods
- Prescription drugs
- Plastic surgery
- Sleep
- Smoking
- Stem cell research
- Teen pregnancy
- Vegetarianism
- Weight loss surgery
Media and Communications Research Paper Topics:
- Body image
- Censorship
- Children's programming and advertising
- Copyright Law
- Freedom of speech
- Materialism
- Media bias
- Media conglomerates, ownership
- Globalization of media and communications
- Minorities in mass media
- Political correctness
- Portrayal of women
- Reality television
- Stereotypes
- Talk radio
- Television violence
Political Issues Research Paper Topics:
- Affirmative Action
- Budget deficit
- Electoral College
- Election reform
- Emigration
- Genocide
- Illegal aliensIllegal aliens
- Immigration
- Impeachment
- International relations
- Medicaid, Medicare reform
- Operation Enduring Iraqi Freedom
- Partisan politics
- Prescription drugs
- Social Security Reform
- Third parties
- Taxes
Psychology Research Paper Topics:
- Child abuse
- Criminal psychology
- Depression
- Dreams
- Intelligence tests
- Learning disabilities
- Memory
- Physical attraction
- Schizophrenia
Religion Research Paper Topics:
- Buddhism
- Cults
- Christianity
- Freedom of religion
- Occultism
- Prayer in schools
- The Religious Beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Judaism
- Religion as a Form of Therapy
- A Comparison of Wicca and Catholicism in the Media
- Religious Fundamentalism in the United States
- Scientology
- Taoism
- Teaching Islam in Public Schools
- The Role of Religion on Sexuality
Social Issues Topics:
- Abortion
- Adoption
- Airline safety, security
- Affirmative Action programs
- Apartheid
- Birth control
- Child abuse
- Child rearing
- Discrimination in education
- Employee rights
- Gambling, online gaming
- Gang identity
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender
- Gay parenting
- Gender discrimination
- Genetic screening
- Homelessness
- Identity theft
- Interracial marriage
- Poverty
- Race relations
- Reverse discrimination
- Suffrage
- Suicide
- Test biases
- Textbook biases
- Welfare
Technology Topics:
- Changing Public Opinion & Politics in Social Media Era
- Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
- FTX Cryptocurrency Exchange
- Innovation in AI and Machine Learning
- Quantum Computing Revolutionizing Information Security
- Smart Cities and Transportation Systems
- The Future of Social Media
Terrorism Topics:
- Bioterrorism
- Homeland Security
- September 11 attacks
- Domestic terrorism
- International terrorism
- Religious terrorism
- Irgun: Zionist terrorism
- The Munich Olympics
Women and Gender Topics:
- Abortion
- Birth control and pregnancy
- Body image
- Botox injections
- Cultural expectations and practices
- Discrimination
- Eating disorders
- Education
- Feminism
- Female genital mutilation
- Gay pride
- Gender Identity
- Gender-neutral pronouns
- Girl boss
- Health
- Marriage and Divorce
- Media portrayals
- Menstruation
- Menopause
- Modern women
- Motherhood
- Parenting
- Plastic surgery
- Prostitution
- LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender)
- LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more)
- Social media influencers
- Sex and sexuality
- Female athletes
- Women stereotypes
- Women executives
- Transgender
- Traditional wife
- Violence and rape
- Women's rights
Source: University of Illinois Online Library
Pick a topic that interests you or a topic that you have a lot of experience in. It’s much easier to address specific research issues when you either know the topic or have the interest to spend weekends and nights reading about it.
That was helpful
thank you!
thank you this was very helpful!!
Thank you! Now i just need to do the difficult part of choosing a topic to write about.