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NROTC Scholarship 2015: Apply for Navy, Nurse or Marine Corps

Last Updated on May 26, 2023

Three students holding big paper checks receive NROTC scholarships.
Three students receive NROTC scholarships. Photo via wiki commons.

The Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) Scholarship Program, has been designed to solve the financial problems students face in regard to college education. The program offers up to $180,000 financial aid along with a lot of other benefits. The program presents an opportunity for current and prospective HBCU NROTC students looking to fund their education.

Financial Benefits Of The NROTC Scholarship

Apart from covering all or most of the tuition cost in about 160 top schools across the country, the NROTC Scholarship provides a lot more. It includes:

  • The additional lab and education fees.
  • Funds for textbooks.
  • An allowance every month to incur your expenses. This varies with each year in college. For e.g. a Freshman gets $250, a Sophomore gets $300, Junior gets $350 and Senior gets $400.

NROTC Scholarship Paths To Choose From

  1. Navy – NROTC scholars acquire valuable skills and leadership qualities that prepare them for their lives as Naval Officers, if they choose this particular field. Young scholars learn about nuclear power, afloat aviation, ashore aviation and many such technicalities. This helps them choose their fields of specialization later on.
  2. Nurse Program – If this field of study interests you then NROTC Scholarship is a great way to fund your way through to a top school. Needless to say a respectable career awaits within Navy and outside too.
  3. Marine Corps

Eligibility Criterion for NROTC Scholarship

  • Applicant must be a US citizen.
  • Applicant must be 17 yrs of age by 30th September of the first year of college and not older than 23 yrs of age by 31st December the year college starts.
  • Applicant must have secured a high school graduation or an equivalent certificate by 1st August the year they plan to begin their NROTC program.
  • Applicant must be of a clean character, free of any legal liabilities.
  • Applicant must meet the naval standards of fitness.
  • Applicant must not have 30 or more semester hours or 45 or more quarters hours of college credit upon application.

Application Process

The application process for the NROTC Scholarship can be started during your second semester of the junior year of high school. Here is a brief outline as to how to go about it.

  • You will have to notify your testing agency to release your scores directly to the NROTC Scholarship Program. No other method will work. You cannot send the scores directly neither can your school. For more on qualifying scores visit the applicant criteria page
  • Fill out the application form. Do not forget to mention your top three choice of colleges/universities. Your application might be rejected otherwise.
  • Submit your application, complete in all respects, at your local processing station by 20th January at the latest.
  • Candidates selected by the selection board are notified in writing. Results start pouring in as early as August and keep on coming through till April.
  • After being selected for the NROTC scholarship the candidates are called in for a physical examination. This determines whether a candidate befits the Naval standards of fitness.
  • Once the physical tests are through, you will be sworn in as a Midshipman. The initial allowance of $250 begins henceforth.

To begin your application process visit the ROTC Program Applicant page.

Commitment After Graduation

After graduation you shall be commissioned as an Ensign in the Naval Reserve Force. A commitment of five years awaits you hence (four years for nurses). After this be prepared for a very successful career ahead.

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