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Working Tips for Teens: Smart Insights to Help You Ace That Job Interview

Last Updated on May 24, 2023

Smiling teen is excited about her first job interview.The big day has arrived when you’re applying for your first job! As daunting as it may sound, you should take it in your stride and be happy for this first step and foray into the professional world!

We are as excited about it as you’re and hence have put together some tips to nail it on the spot with these tips.


First impressions do matter. So get all the necessary information required from you beforehand. For instance, you need to have social security number as well as photo identification and driver’s license passport. Depending on the state where you live, you’ll also need to have a work permit. This permit should be signed by your parent or guardian.

Put Together an Impressive Resume

According to experts, you have just 6 seconds to convince the recruiter that you are THE one they have been looking for! Sounds dramatic? Don’t worry. With your passion and willingness to make it big, you can make an impression even if you’re a little bit inexperienced in the professional world.

Just format a nice CV to give you an edge above others and you’re ready to go! You can get hold of various resume builders over the internet which will help you in making sharp and neat resume in minutes. This will also help you make a stellar first impression.

Make a Good First Impression

Many of the teens are worried about their appearance and can start developing a complex. While you may be worried to death about those pimples and acne appearing on your face now and then, you should be happy to know there are good products out there to zap those zits away. Believe it: you’ll make an awesome impression!

While you’re at it, your wardrobe is just as important. Find a few trendy but elegant suits and outfits you can wear at work. Though “dressing up” for work may not be in a teen’s dictionary but it really makes you look distinct from the crowd.

Practice the Pitch

When the interviewer asks why you’re a good fit, what will you answer? As expert recruiters will tell you, they’re looking for someone who doesn’t just repeat what’s on their resume to answer the question “tell me about yourself.” Prepare for this question to make a solid impression. For example, you can shed light on any volunteer work you had been involved in, what you learned from this experience, and how you contributed as a volunteer.

Once you’re well prepared for all the anticipated questions, sit back, wait for your interview, and let nature take its course.

The Bottom Line

While you may feel nervous on the day of the interview, focus on the positive part that you’ve done your best. Arrive on time to leave a good impression. Even if you don’t land the job at your first interview, don’t be disheartened. You’re now more equipped at giving interviews and have a better chance to apply in a bigger, better company!

Niamh Hodgson is a Mom of two teenage sons who works at a job agency. She is always encouraging her kids to succeed, teaching them life skills from a young age. Her parenting articles appear around the web.

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