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5 Smart Ways to Set Goals for the New Year in College

Last Updated on January 1, 2016

Hands of a young African American male student writing his New Year goals in a notepad.Another year has arrived, and it is officially 2016. So perhaps, you have already begun to ask yourself what all you want to achieve this year. Around the beginning of the New Year or semester, many students often set resolutions or goals, but as you would have probably noticed, most of these thoughts never materialize into actions. However, this year let’s make it different. Let’s set goals for the New Year in a way that will not only help you to live by them but will also help you succeed in all areas of your college life.

Have Specific Goals

Instead of setting goals for the New Year like “Do better in history,” set goals as “Earn at least grade B in History this semester.”  Better yet; “Study a minimum of one hour a day or attend two group study sessions a week, all so that you can earn your desired grade. Being as specific as possible when setting your goals will help to make them as realistic as possible. In short, you are more likely to achieve them.

Be Realistic

Make sure that your goals for the New Year are attainable and challenging. For instance, if you barely passed in your last semester and were on academic probation currently, setting a goal of earning 4.0 GPA next semester is probably unrealistic. At the same time make sure it is not too easy for you or else you will not get satisfaction from it. Spend some time thinking about what’s realistic and what makes sense to you as a student, a learner, and a person.

Write Down Your Goals

If your goal is to better your GPA by the end of the next semester, pen it down. Write the grades you got on every test, paper, and project. Find out what all it takes to better your grades. Better yet, create a vision board of your goals. Doing so will not only help you to conceptualize your goals but will serve as a tool for motivation as you work towards achieving your dream goals.

Hold Yourself Accountable

What will happen if you don't do what you committed yourself you would do? Would you change something? Have a way to hold yourself accountable. Let your friends and family know about your goals for the New Year. If you let others know, they can help you keep yourself accountable for achieving your goals and celebrate your success.

Reward Yourself

Be sure to reward yourself frequently for success. Figure out what type of reward motivates you the best. This will help you to push yourself through those difficult times and reach your next milestone.

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