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Recommendations are necessary when you’re applying for college or scholarships. They’re just what you need to improve your chances of getting into a college of your choice and in availing a scholarship that can help you pay your way through college. These are usually given by your high school principal or teachers. In some cases, even a prominent member of your community like the mayor can recommend you.

So how do you request a recommendation for college and scholarship applications? The first thing you have to do is identify the person from whom you’ll request the recommendation from. For instance, if the college you’re applying to requires a recommendation from your school principal or teacher, then you have to approach them and ask personally. This is an easy task because school personnel are more than willing to help students earn a scholarship or get into a college where they wish to pursue their degree.

Getting recommendations is not so difficult especially if you have a good record from the school where you’re presently enrolled. In fact, there are school principals and teachers who recommend outstanding students without being asked. If you’re one of them, then you’re very fortunate because you no longer have to request for recommendations.

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