Campus Life

Immerse Yourself in the HBCU Experience

Discover the essence of the HBCU experience with our ‘Campus Life’ category. Immerse yourself in the vibrant student life that HBCUs are known for, from spirited cultural events and Greek life to leadership opportunities and community service initiatives. Learn about the traditions, social scenes, and academic environments that make each campus unique.

Get a glimpse into the daily life of HBCU students, and see how campuses foster an atmosphere of unity, pride, and academic excellence. Whether you’re a prospective student, current attendee, or curious observer, this category offers a window into the heart and soul of HBCU campuses across the nation.

Class of 2018: Group of cheerful HBCU freshmen walking in building corridor.

Class of 2018: How to Have a Successful Freshman Year

Unsolicited Advice for Parents and Students from a Three-time University President As a university president, the annual ritual that I loved most was the opportunity to welcome new freshmen to campus. No matter how busy I was, I always made time to meet new students and their parents and to assist them with moving into […]

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10 Essential Financial Lessons to Learn Before Leaving College

10 Essential Financial Lessons to Learn Before Leaving College

I wasn’t schooled in the fundamentals of wealth creation upon my entrance into college and probably many of you. I must say that most of my financial education hinged on observing what took place in my household. We were very frugal (Shopped in bulk, cut coupons, and carried a grocery list) and had to make

10 Essential Financial Lessons to Learn Before Leaving College Read More »

7 Tips for Succeeding as a “Mature Student”

7 Tips for Succeeding as a “Mature Student”

Are you older than the average college student and thinking of going back to school? After military service, many students find themselves older than their classmates and facing challenges that younger students don’t have to deal with. Your military scholarship should relieve some of the financial stress of going back to school, but you’ll need

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